Welcome, välkommen, tervetuloa!
I’m originally from Norfolk, England, and in 2020, I moved with my partner and two children to Vaasa, Finland. We now live on the beautiful island of Replot in the Kvarken Archipelago.
With a background in art & design, specialising in fashion & textiles, I’ve had a diverse career. I’ve worked in the fashion industry, created and sold textile products, and spent time in corporate roles which were unrelated to my creative work in London and Norfolk. About ten years ago, I became increasingly aware of the negative impacts of the fashion and textiles industry. Since then, I’ve supported community arts, through both third sector (non-profit) roles and volunteer projects.
Currently, my motivation is rooted in exploring regenerative fashion and textiles, learning from land carers, and considering the perspectives offered by circular and doughnut economics.
My evolving art practice—focused on fashion and textiles—draws inspiration from these themes, as well as from the rhythms of nature and the passage of time.
I’m always open to opportunities and collaborations that allow for connection, learning, and creativity!
Current reading
‘Fletcher’s Almanac, Nature Encounters & Fashion Systems Through the Year.’ By Kate Fletcher.
This book is such a little gem. I’m motivated to start observing my somewhat ‘new’ natural surroundings and climate in far more detail. Month by month, I’ll record these observations from nature whilst considering the garments I’m wearing and how they feel and perform in the climate.
I’ll also try to gain local knowledge of how the climate is changing and what would have been worn in more recent times and traditionally at different times of the year. I’ll also apply this consideration to the textiles I use, functionally and aesthetically.
Read more about the book here in a fashion roundtable from Quickthorn books.